Easy domain transfer, enjoy quality service immediately.

Over 10 million domain names registered. 11-year five-star domain name registrar. Fast and stable DNS service A well-known and established domain service provider in the industry
  • Bulk transfer in
  • Single transfer in
Why transfer your domain to 22NET.com?
This Site Offers Domain Management and Security Expertise.Our platform ensures effortless domain management while comprehensively safeguarding your domain's security.

Free Intelligent Resolution

We effectively resist DDOS attacks and comprehensively improve domain resolution speed.

Convenient Domain Management

We provide efficient and convenient operation platform and you could manage your domain easily.

Reasonable Price

We dedicated to provide lowest price, best product and most profesional service.

Domain Name Security Service

We provide multi-layered security to secure your account, make sure your valuable domains are protected.

Reseller Plan

Get exclusive cashback and save more, generate easy management sub-accounts.

24/7 Service Suppor

Providing 24/7 Customer Service and profesional technicians support with quick responses for 24 hours.

Domain Transfer Process
  • 1.Fill in Domain Name and Password
    To initiate a domain transfer, first obtain the transfer authorization code from your original registrar and submit the transfer request. Then, come to our site and fill in the information in the required format to submit the transfer.
  • 2.Backend Detection
    Check Domain Status in Backend
  • 3.TranIn Verification
    First, review the domain name for approval. Once approved, proceed to verify the transfer authorization code to check if the domain can be transferred. After verification, pay the renewal fee.
  • 4.Transfer in progress
    Please allow 5-7 days for processing after the domain transfer.
  • 5.TranIn Success
    Congratulations, your domain name has been successfully transferred to 22NET.com!
Transfer Preautions
  • Only when the domain name is transferred to our website can you manage the domain name on our website. You can perform operations such as DNS settings, resolutions, and transfers in [Domain Name Management]
  • If the prompt 'Registrar Transfer Lock' appears when transferring the domain name, please contact the current registrar of the domain name to unlock it.
  • For the transfer of international domain names, it is necessary to confirm that 60 days have passed since the last renewal.
  • If there are spaces in the domain name transfer code, please try replacing the spaces with the '+' sign before proceeding with the transfer operation.
  • The transfer will usually be completed in about a week. Please check it in the background by yourself. No further notice will be given.
  • Domestic domain names (.cn/. 中国) cannot be transferred 15 days before their expiration.
  • If the domain name status is set as transfer prohibited (clientTransferProhibited/serverTransferProhibited), it cannot be transferred.
  • Domain names that are in disputes, under arbitration or restricted from being transferred out by the court cannot be transferred in; domain names that are in the process of being transferred cannot be transferred in either.
Transfer Price
domain Transfer In Renewal Introduce Operator
.com $12.49 $12.49 注册首选,全球注册量第一 Transfer In
.cn $7.5 $7.5 中国国家域名 Transfer In
.com.cn $33 $7.5 -- Transfer In
.cc $11.68 $11.68 我的CC,由我定义 Transfer In
.net $13.85 $13.85 网络机构专属 Transfer In
.vip $14.6 $14.6 代表了尊贵、特权、贵宾,彰显价值,展现魅力 Transfer In
.biz $17 $17 老牌国际域名 Transfer In
.asia $15.99 $15.99 通往亚洲的域名入口 Transfer In
.mobi $25.5 $25.5 移动手机 专属域名 Transfer In
.tv $28.68 $28.68 国别域名,影音娱乐媒体专用 Transfer In
.co $26.75 $26.75 -- Transfer In
.info $20.5 $20.5 信息时代的明确标识 Transfer In
.net.cn $33 $7.5 -- Transfer In
.org.cn $33 $7.5 国内非盈利机构专属后缀 Transfer In
.中国 $8 $90 更具影响力的中文域名 Transfer In
.公司 $8 $90 更具商业影响力的中文域名 Transfer In
.网络 $8 $90 中文网络域名 Transfer In
.org $12.3 $12.3 非盈利性组织首选 Transfer In
.xj.cn $33 $7.5 -- Transfer In
.me $17.99 $17.99 -- Transfer In
.club $15.5 $15.5 俱乐部、论坛首选 Transfer In
.link $11 $11 “链接”,缩短与世界的距离 Transfer In
.store $48.99 $48.99 首个电商专属域名,知名企业已启用 Transfer In
.live $30.99 $30.99 直播,视听 Transfer In
.ltd $33.99 $33.99 为有限公司而生,公司专属 Transfer In
.pub $41.99 $41.99 -- Transfer In
.group $27.75 $27.75 更适用于集团,团体 Transfer In
.shop $30.99 $30.99 购物/商店、互联网电商域名 Transfer In
.co.ltd $10 $22 -- Transfer In
.site $29.99 $29.99 -- Transfer In
.work $11.75 $11.75 -- Transfer In
.beer $25.99 $25.99 -- Transfer In
.fashion $25.99 $25.99 -- Transfer In
.yoga $25.99 $25.99 -- Transfer In
.fit $25.99 $25.99 -- Transfer In
.luxe $19.35 $19.35 -- Transfer In