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What is CNNIC?
2025/01/20 Source: Ourdomains Author: Ourdomains Visits:83

CNNIC is the abbreviation for China Internet Network Information Center. It is a management and service organization approved by the relevant national authorities and was established on June 3, 1997. It exercises the responsibilities of the national Internet information center.

The main responsibilities of CNNIC include:

Internet Address Resource Registration and Management: As China's domain name registration management institution and the operator of the domain name root server, CNNIC is responsible for managing the national top-level domain ".CN" and the Chinese domain name system. It provides global users with services such as domain name registration, domain name resolution, and WHOIS queries. In addition, CNNIC is a National Internet Registry (NIR) member of the Asia-Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC) and is responsible for allocating IP addresses and AS numbers to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and network users in mainland China.

Internet Development Research and Consulting Services: CNNIC conducts multiple surveys on the development status of China's Internet. The reports it releases are authoritative and widely recognized both domestically and internationally. Some of the data is even included in China's annual statistical reports. Moreover, CNNIC provides public welfare research and consulting services on Internet development for enterprises, users, and research institutions.

Technology Research and Development and Security Assurance: CNNIC is committed to building a world-leading Internet infrastructure resource service platform, promoting the research and breakthroughs in core technologies of Internet infrastructure, and ensuring the security and stability of Internet infrastructure resources.

International Exchange and Cooperation: As a representative of China's Internet community, CNNIC actively participates in the activities of the international Internet community and engages in business coordination and cooperation with relevant international organizations and Internet information centers from other countries and regions.

CNNIC plays an important role in promoting the development of China's Internet, maintaining network security, and facilitating international exchanges. It is a vital organization in the development of China's Internet industry.

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