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Domain name transfer confirmation process and related answers.
2025/01/17 Source: Ourdomains Author: Ourdomains Visits:64

Transfer Application Process:

1. Enter your domain name and the correct transfer password, and ensure that the domain is not protected from transfer, otherwise the transfer may fail.

2. If the WHOIS information of the original registrar is hidden when submitting the transfer application, the transfer will only verify the correctness of the transfer password and will not go through the domain transfer confirmation authorization process. The domain will enter the transfer process and generally takes 5-7 days to be successfully transferred. If the WHOIS information of the original registrar is not hidden when submitting, the registrar will send a domain transfer confirmation email to the registrant's email address listed in the current domain WHOIS information after receiving the applicant's first domain transfer request for transfer authorization. The applicant should receive the confirmation email, open the transfer confirmation link, and agree to the transfer. The domain will be successfully transferred within 5-7 days.

3. Some domains support confirmation of transfer out at the original registrar. After confirming the transfer out, the domain can be transferred instantly without waiting for 5-7 days. This requires attention to the transfer status notifications received during the domain transfer process.

Domain Transfer Confirmation Related Q&A

Q: What is the “whois email”?

A: The whois email is short for the email of the domain owner and administrator. Since some registrars have masked the specific whois information, some domains being transferred need to manually enter the “whois email”.

Q: What does “waiting to find whois email” mean?

A: International domains require receiving a transfer confirmation email for verification, and the system will automatically find the domain owner. If the registrar has masked the specific whois information, manual input is needed. You can also click “find whois email immediately”.

Q: Can't receive the transfer confirmation email?

A: First, please make sure the whois email you entered is correct. Secondly, the whois email may have blocked emails from our company's mail server, so please add our company's email address to the whitelist. Lastly, if you still can't receive the confirmation email, please submit a ticket.

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